Within technical safety area:
Overall risk assessment (preliminary hazard analysis, PHA) regarding aspects influencing e.g. a chosen design solution, the chosen localisation suitability of technical systems/facilities
Design review using FMEA, Hazid or Hazop
In co-operation with partner companies:Consequence calculation (e.g. regarding fire, explosion loads, toxic gas dispersion)
Fault tree/event tree calculations
Reliability and availability calculation (RAM)
SIL analysis for safety critical systems
Full scale quantitative risk analysis (QRA)
Compliance analysis with regard to fulfilment of legal, contractual and technical specification requirement
Within emergency preparedness area:
Emergency preparedness analysis
Establishment of emergency preparedness plan
In co-operation with partner companies:
Establishment of emergency response organisation
Evacuation analysis
Table tops and drills of emergency preparedness teams
Within management systems area:
Preparation and continuous follow-up of project risk analysis
Development of risk management system